Yoga Therapy Bar © 2024 | Powered By Barracuda Designs
Yoga therapy bar is proud to be providing exclusive face yoga therapy services in South Carolina by Dr. Nekita Sullivan a Clemson and MUSC alumna. No longer will you have to travel to North Carolina or Georgia. Face yoga is now offered in the Upstate of good ole’ South Carolina. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, it is most important for me to be able to provide an assortment of services to my community to address various types of health and wellness issues.
There are many people having difficulty managing health issues that affect their head, face, and neck. Many Americans suffer with headaches and face pain throughout the year due to sinus inflammation and allergies. South Carolina is also part of the stroke belt which is a geographical region in the US where strokes are prevalent. Many South Carolinians suffer from strokes that effect one side of their body including their face leaving residual weakness which may cause difficulty with speaking, chewing, and facial expressions. There are also many who have difficulty managing pain that is associated with TMJ disorders involving the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Also, some also have facial scarring and injuries after motor vehicle accidents, surgery, burns, and more. This is a service that can be medically beneficial to patients of dentists, plastic surgeons, ENTs, allergists, dermatologists, neurologists, and other health care providers.
As a result, I have developed an individualized face yoga therapy treatment for face and head injuries or dysfunction. Face yoga provides many therapeutic benefits such as improved blood flow, decreased face pain, reduced tension headaches, increased jaw motion, and less inflammation. Many people are also attracted to face yoga as it can improve your facial tone, decrease weakness, and lessens asymmetry which results in a more attractive face and balanced smile. Quite often those who are committed to improving the appearance of their face such as models, pageant contestants, actresses, singers, and mouth instrument players are doing face yoga as well.
Yoga therapy bar provides five face yoga services (medical and non-medical). 1. A home exercise program of face yoga exercises that can be provided in a PDF or video app format sent to you by email or text. 2.The face yoga therapy party for a group of six includes a VIP one-on-six party with your besties and fun, fun, and more fun. 3. The mini face yoga therapy treatment is 30 minutes. 4. The basic face yoga therapy treatment is 60 minutes. 5.The physical therapy face yoga therapy treatment is the signature service and is also 60 minutes. Surprisingly it was inspired by my experience with Frogmore stew also known as the low country boil while a student at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston studying physical therapy. I had no clue about the awesomeness of this mouth-watering meal. The recipe is cooked in a humongous pot of water and beer with a hodge-podge of seasonings, hot sauce, shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob, and new potatoes. This was an explosive party to my tastebuds. I truly enjoyed all of the ingredients individually. Jam-packing all of these awesome ingredients into one meal was a superpowered experience. It made my taste buds so HAPPY! I decided to make my signature face yoga therapy treatment superpowered as well. This is the face yoga treatment of all treatments. It will make your face HAPPY! It includes not five but ten holistic therapeutic components that target the physical and mental stressors that your face absorbs daily.
Yoga Therapy Bar is excited to be providing face yoga therapy services exclusively in the Upstate of South Carolina. However, if you are not located in South Carolina there is a virtual option as well. Email Dr. Nekita Sullivan at for details. You can also check us out on the web at and our other social media platforms listed below. #faceyoga #faceyogatherapy #faceyogaphysicaltherapy#faceyogateacher #faceyogaexpert #faceyogaphysicaltherapist #faceyogaSouthCarolina
Love, peace, and face yoga,
Dr. Nekita Sullivan