Yoga Therapy Bar © 2024 | Powered By Barracuda Designs
Yoga Therapy Bar and Doctor Nikita Sullivan are proud to be able to provide physical therapy and yoga services for boys and men in downtown Clemson. Our bro gang or Broga program was designed to improve the physical and mental health of boys and men. It is not unusual to see boys and men with pain including headaches or neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle injuries. Quite often these injuries are associated with poor flexibility, core weakness, and lack of mental focus during athletic events. As a result, Dr Nikita Sullivan uses a unique blend of physical therapy and yoga to improve the physical and mental health and wellness for boys and men. Most men are focused on strengthening and spend little time on flexibility. This imbalance can lead to over-development of certain muscles and under-development of others. Quite often there is also some asymmetry between the right and left side that manifests as one side being stronger and or tighter than the other. This can also contribute to injury and pain. Guys are also more likely to spend a lot of time strengthening specific muscles such as the chest, shoulders, and quadriceps. However, the opposing muscles may not be strengthened appropriately which contributes to imbalances. Some common imbalance couples include the chest and upper back, hamstrings and quads, and abdominals and lower back muscles. Some commonly diagnosed injuries include low back strain, knee tendinitis, and rotator cuff tears. Also, it is men frequently spend a great deal of time focusing on strengthening either their upper body or lower body instead of balancing workouts between both body segments. This imbalance can also lead to injury. It is important to learn how to develop your body appropriately and not put it in a position that contributes to injury and pain.
Dr. Nekita Sullivan has had the privilege of working with many male athletes and teams which include football, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, tennis, and more. A Broga physical therapy and yoga consultation is available to discuss the details and learn more. An evaluation is the next step which identifies limitations, function, and a plan of care. The plan of care usually includes a weekly program of a one-hour treatment session with a home video program for approximately one to two months. Boys, men, and seniors, Broga was created just for you. The women in your life are concerned about you as well. They call me all asking how I can get my husband, my father, my son, my brother, my coworker, to come and see you.
Services currently are provided Thursday through Saturday in the studio, virtually, outdoors, and off site. Physical Therapy services are an hour in duration one-on-one. Pricing options include a flat fee for one treatment or a package. No referral is needed. There are no insurance limitations. Appointments are available the same week. Email Dr. Nekita Sullivan at for details. You can also check us out on the web at and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linked In. #physicaltherapyclemson#yogaclemson #YogaTherapyBar #outpatientphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapypain#physicaltherapyathletes #menshealth #broga