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Pilates Is therapeutic!
Yoga Therapy Bar is proud to announce that it is now providing Pilates mat classes in small groups and in private sessions. Pilates is a holistic form of exercise that targets improving the health and wellness of the body and mind using physical exercises, breath work, mental focus and so much more. It combines movements that can improve strength, stability, and flexibility of the entire body. Many of the exercises are focused on the powerhouse or foundation of the body which includes the spine, abdominals, pelvis, and hips known to most as the core. Mat Pilates is completed on a floor mat. The positions can be changed during mat Pilates from lying on your back, stomach, side, and seated. Careful attention is given to your form and the ability to control your breathing upon the exertion and relaxation phases of exercises. Pilates is a common practiced by many athletes also such as dancers and gymnasts.
Dr. Nekita Sullivan is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Yoga and Pilates teacher. She uses Pilates in most of her physical therapy treatments. Many injuries and pain are a result of the lack of strength, stability, flexibility and control of the powerhouse also known as the core. If the powerhouse is unstable, the risk of pain or injury is likely to increase. Frequent joints that are painful or injured include the spine, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle. The Pilates bridge, swimming, and back extension exercises are favorites for improving back strength as low back pain is the most frequent pain complaint in Americans. Hip and knee injuries are also frequent. The side leg lifts, sidekicks, side bends, and side twists are excellent in improving hip strength. Poor posture is also frequent in our population as we spend a great deal of time sitting at work, during commutes, and on our electronic devices. Seated Pilates exercises such as the spine stretch is a great exercise for improving posture. A common limitation also is abdominal weakness. Pilates includes many abdominal exercises which target the upper, lower, and side abs such as the chest lift, leg lift, and the hundred. The master of Pilates, Joseph Pilates stated that “You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.” It is truly therapeutic exercise that can be used to decrease pain and recover after injury. It provides a low-intensity option to decrease stress on painful structures as they heal. Pilates is a great way to cross train for athletes as well.
Pilates (mat) classes currently are provided Thursday through Saturday in the studio, virtually, outdoors, and off-site. Classes are available in small groups or privately. They are 1 hour in duration. Prices for small groups classes are $25. Private sessions are also available by appointment and pricing is dependent on the duration of the session. Email Dr. Nekita Sullivan at for more information. You can also check us out on the web at and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linked In. #physicaltherapyclemson #yogaclemson #YogaTherapyBar #physicaltherapy#yoga #Pilates #holistic #mindbody #Pilatesclemson #matPilates.
Luv, Peace, Physical Therapy, Yoga & Pilates,
Dr. Nekita Sullivan