Yoga Therapy Bar © 2024 | Powered By Barracuda Designs
Yoga therapy bar is proud to be providing exclusive face yoga therapy services in South Carolina by Dr. Nekita Sullivan a Clemson and MUSC alumna. There are many people having difficulty managing health issues that affect their head, face, and neck. Many Americans suffer with headaches and face pain throughout the year due to sinus inflammation and allergies. South Carolina is also part of the stroke belt which is a geographical region in the US where strokes are prevalent. Many South Carolinians suffer from strokes that sometimes affect one side of their body including their face leaving residual weakness which causes difficulty with speaking, chewing, and facial expressions. Bell's palsy is a sudden condition that causes weakness and drooping on one side of the face. There are also many who have difficulty managing pain that is associated with TMJ disorders which involves the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Also, some also have facial scarring and injuries after motor vehicle accidents, surgery, burns, and more.
As a result, I have developed an individualized face yoga therapy treatment for face and head injuries or dysfunction. Face yoga provides many therapeutic benefits such as improved blood flow, decreased face pain, reduced tension headaches, increased jaw motion, and less inflammation. Many people are also attracted to face yoga as it can improve your facial tone, decrease weakness, and lessen asymmetry which results in a more attractive face and balanced smile. Here are some common face yoga exercises and stretches to tone and relax the muscles of the face and neck.
Forehead Smoother
· Place your fingers above your eyebrows
· Apply gentle pressure while smoothing your fingers outwards towards your temples
· Repeat 10 times
Eye Firmer:
· Place your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes
· Look up and flutter your lower eyelids for 30 seconds
Cheek Lifter:
· Smile and use the back of your hand to lift your cheeks
· Resist the movement with your facial muscles
· Hold for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat
Jaw Toner:
· Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling
· Bring your lower lip over your upper lip and smile
· Hold for 10 seconds and repeat
Neck Tightener:
· Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling
· Pucker your lips and hold for 5 seconds
· Repeat 10 times
Fish Face:
· Suck in your cheeks and lips to make a fish face
· Hold for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat
Lip Plumper:
· Purse your lips and smile
· Hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat
Tongue Stretch:
· Stick your tongue out as far as possible
· Hold for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat
Remember to perform these exercises gently and regularly for the best potential benefits. It's essential to be consistent and patient as results may vary from person to person. If you have any concerns or underlying health conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, including face yoga.
Yoga therapy bar provides the following face yoga services. 1. A home exercise program of face yoga exercises that can be provided in a PDF or video app format sent to you by email or text. 2.The face yoga therapy party for a group of six includes a VIP one-on-one-party with your besties and fun, fun, and more fun. 3. The mini face yoga therapy treatment is 30 minutes. 4. The signature face yoga therapy treatment is 60 minutes. It will make your face HAPPY!
Yoga Therapy Bar is excited to be providing face yoga therapy services exclusively in the Upstate of South Carolina. However, if you are not located in South Carolina there is a virtual option as well. #faceyoga#faceyogatherapy #faceyogaphysicaltherapy #faceyogateacher #faceyogaexpert #faceyogaphysicaltherapist #faceyogaSouthCarolina #faceyogaclemson #faceyogaclemsonsc #faceyogaexercises#yogafaceexercises
Physical therapy,yoga, Pilates, and wellness,
Dr. NekitaSullivan